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Defiance Page 24

  "Oh girls, that feels good," he gasped, as he laid back and simply enjoyed the experience. Four hands and two mouths and tongues on his member were almost too much for him to handle at the moment, and he quickly spoke. "Be careful girls, I'm getting close and you don't want me to cum to soon do you?"

  "Oh no my Master. We can't have that, can we," Ivy looked up from her ministrations and crawled upon her master's chest, having decided that two administering to his cock might be more than he could currently handle for more than a short period. Ivy let Andreas work her tongue magic as she slithered up and began kissing him.

  Jack grabbed Ivy by the upper arms and hoisted her above his face, with a grunt, he dropped her down, her sweet little cunt now impaled on his tongue as he finally licked and lapped at his girl's pussy for the first time while holding her hips tightly and using them to manipulate her. Ivy quickly buried both hands in his hair while holding on tight as she screeched in ecstasy, her pelvis rubbing up and down with her pussy sliding along his tongue.

  "Oh my, my Master, that feels so good," gasped Ivy, as she continued to slide up and down his face and then suddenly screeched when his teeth fastened upon her clit, tugging firmly.

  Jack grinned as he heard Ivy yelp at his ministrations while Andrea had gone back to gently sucking his cock. Not forcefully, as she did not want him to cum, but hard enough to keep his shaft stiff as a bar of iron. It had been a long time since he had two women in the furs together and he was going to take advantage of it.

  Pulling his teeth from the tender flesh of Ivy's clit while he flicked her ring, he called out, "Andrea, get on that cock facing me and let's see how capable at fucking you are," he commanded. Almost immediately, he felt her mouth leave his cock then her hands and thighs along his belly and hips and suddenly a warm, very wet sheath of cunt slid slowly down his cock. He heard her moan as he went back to licking Ivy's delicious pussy.

  Up and down, Andrea slid on his large shaft and was working up speed, while moaning loudly in delight at the pleasure she was receiving. It seemed like only moments and she was already cumming on him, causing him to grin in triumph as his hips now began to buck against her, forcing his cock even deeper inside her sweet figure as she came down hard on each stroke. With a screech similar to Ivy's, she came again even harder this time, her nails digging into his chest as she furiously humped his shaft like a wild animal.

  Jack grinned into Ivy's pussy as Andrea came to a relative rest on top of him. She was now panting and grunting as each thrust filled her stretched out cunt. With a grunt of his own, Jack rolled both girls over onto their backs, then grabbing Andreas left breast, he yanked her sideways and slid inside her without hesitation.

  "Get over here Ivy," he commanded. "Lie down on Andrea and start kissing her, because I'm going to fuck you both for awhile. Quickly Ivy did as she was told and laying face down, she scooted her ass back, until she could feel Jack's belly thumping against her cheeks and began to kiss Andrea passionately.

  In no time, Andrea began to whimper, and then moan as Jack continued to hammer into her tight little pussy. With a deft movement, he raised both of her legs until her feet were in the air, causing Ivy's thighs to lie against his own. Without missing a stroke, he pulled out of Andrea and entered Ivy from behind in one smooth motion. With a squeal, Ivy began to moan now, and then gasp in pleasure as Jack fucked her tight little box. He grinned as she came easily and within minutes, then again while humping him wildly yet a third time.

  Jack laughed as he swiftly pulled out and then rammed his cock back into Andrea's pussy, only to pull it out on the second stroke, only to force it into the Amazon's very tight ass, eliciting a scream and a demand to stop.

  "By the God pull it out, pull it out," Andrea hollered, but he ignored her. The combination of both of these women was driving him insane and he knew he would come soon.

  "No! Get used to it. Ivy is and loves it!" he continued as he pumped away at her ass, stretching it out also while her wails began to subside and moans begin. As with Ivy, it was only moments later that she cumming yet again, a powerful orgasm that wracked her body causing her to buck uncontrollably against Ivy.

  "Actually my master, no I do not like it there, muttered Ivy as she went back to kissing Andrea, who was not whimpering in pleasure, not pain. This caused Jack to laugh as he instantly pulled out of Andrea's ass and pushed into Ivy's hard, forcing most of his thick length in but sped up as it was now Ivy howling underneath him. By the fourth stroke he was all the way in and fucking his little girl fast and furious.

  "Oh God my master, I'm going to cum again," cried out Ivy as she began to buck, just as Andrea had a short bit ago. It was too much for Jack, as with a growl and grunt of his own, he came hard, splashing thick jets of hot cum into her ass, causing her to squeal yet again.

  "That's it baby, take all your masters cum. Milk it out of me," he commanded and she began to pump against his cock hard, forcing it to expend the last of his load until he lay gasping on top of the two girls. Finally, he rolled off and rose to his feet, where he proceeded to the corner sink to wash up. Looking over his shoulder, he remarked.

  "Both of you girls, go down to the slave baths and wash up and soak for a bit."

  "Ah, Jack, the sex was great, but can we skip the ass the next time?" asked Andrea as she gingerly rose, wiped herself off and threw a blanket around her.

  "No," was all he said as he finished his own cleaning and turned. Ivy was now rising and grabbing another blanket and Jack spoke quickly. "Andrea, when you're finished. I want you back with your people. Get them ready and continue your training. We leave in a few days and I'll need your girls."

  "Aye, Aye Jack, will do." Together, both girls limped out as Jack began to dress while grinning at their backs.


  Chapter 25:

  Jack smiled at the host of assembled men. He had over eighteen thousand battle hardened troops from the members of their new alliance, even the traitorous ones that had required subjugation. It had taken a full five days to gather them together along with extra mounts but they were now ready. To complement the host were just over seven hundred Amazons from several of the nearby tribes. Jack found they all wanted to participate for a share of the spoils and quality training and he was agreeable to that. Each man and woman packed a three day supply of provisions in their saddlebags and more would follow in a long train of wagons that had already begun the journey. He was satisfied, especially because Andros reported just moments ago that the men of Turnin were a full weeks journey away, whereas Jack and his men would arrive with two days of hard riding.

  "The men ready, Griff?" he demanded.

  "Aye sir, that they are," a grin, the twin of Jacks adorned the older man's face."

  "Then sound the horns and let's move out."


  Gur snarled as he viewed the reports laid out before him. Their spies indicated a possible alliance between Ashton and the Amazons. At least their local tribe and a few others, perhaps ultimately all the others. Already he was informed that runners were going to the nearest villages and from there, others. This was not good news. Not good news at all and he looked up at Jezol and demanded.

  "What the hell is going on? Do we need to order the men to return?" Gur was referring to almost six thousand of his guard, currently attacking cities a week's journey from then.

  "No, I don't think so, every intelligence missive we've received indicate it will be almost two months before Ashton is ready to move against us, if they even do. The reports of the Amazons are troubling though and I agree with you there. However, Jack is popular. Need I say more? He will have at least eleven cities and probably the tribes with him by then so it won't be an easy fight. If he gains the allegiance of the other twelve nearby cities, that will increase the odds, four or even five to one against us. As I said, it will not be good. With a fully combined force of over thirty thousand, including the nearby Amazons, he can subjugate every city on this continent and pretty much the
others on various other continents. We are screwed in that case. If he brings Ivy forth at the insistence of her cousin, all hell will break loose and his alliance will triple overnight. The people will clamor for her, after all your taxes have been quite onerous for the average citizen these last fifteen years.

  "We need to send in assassins and now, to kill all of our senior enemies, starting with Jack. Call up your best men, Jezol," spoke Gur harshly.

  "I will, Sir. I will send them out immediately. I assume you wish all the Potentates, Kings and Queens killed also, including their Guard leaders?"

  "Yes, every one they can find, in every city you think my ally with Jack and Ashton."

  "It will be done, Sir."


  Jack wiped his brow as they made camp ten miles from the walls of Turnin. It was just after four in the afternoon and they were currently setting up camp deep within the forests to the west of the city they were about to attack. At present, They were strung out over almost two miles of terrain and the order had already gone out multiple times that no fires were to be struck and cold meals only. The next order they were to follow was the men would lie down and try to get at least four to five hours of sleep while an auxiliary force of Amazons would keep watch. He had just gotten new information from Andros and now there was only one person he needed to talk to before he himself laid down and he quickly spotted her.

  "Andrea, over here!" he shouted, waving in her direction. She was in a group of roughly twenty Amazons, all festooned with weapons, feathers and even shields of tough cured rawhide. She immediately headed over, greeting him with a smile.

  "Yeah Jack, you need us?" she cheerfully asked.

  "You bet your sweet ass, I do," he replied with a grin and then continued. "I need you to split your force in half, with half guarding our encampment, which we'll call the auxiliary force. The men will be doing the brunt of the fighting as you know, so I need them well rested along with the other half of your Amazons. At midnight, we move in fast but you ladies will be moving earlier. I want your rested girls moving out with the scouts two hours previous. It will be your job to take the tunnels and all active guards on the walls and gates and substitute them with the scouts. We are counting on you to get those open for us, otherwise it could be a long and bloody battle," said Jack, grimly.

  "I have seven hundred sisters. They will not be pleased at being left out of the fighting and loss of bounty," she growled, but subsided as Jack waved a hand for her to calm down.

  I have another need for the other half of your Amazons and don't worry about bounty. I've already talked to the allied leaders and all the assembled Captains. The booty will be split equally among all of you and the enlisted men and junior officers. One third will return to the alliance to be divided among the rulers. They felt that was fair. We Captains and senior officers will receive a share of that so technically your share will probably be higher." he grinned as he said that and watched her eyes widen with greed.

  "Ohhh, accepted. All right, but why do you need half my force? They will still wish to fight."

  "They will, I just spoke with Andros, that man I was telling you about." Andrea nodded, when during their ride he told her of the Gentes. Their ship and its capabilities and also the Malum and what would eventually happen to those of Paradise. She did not believe it until he produced his new tunic, which was as good as bronze in the protection of arrow and sword strikes. That impressed her and reluctantly she kept an open mind. She was also given detailed maps of the tunnels, including every turn and indications of where the guards were stationed. That impressed her almost more because the maps had been drawn much finer than any human hand on a form of parchment she had never seen before.


  "Quit interrupting. It seems our good friend Gur is sending out assassins as soon as it grows dark. Many assassins and they will be leaving by the three western gates. I need your three hundred and fifty to ambush them once they get at least two miles from the city. They will probably have supply wagons with each group, but if we don't get them now, we'll probably lose a great many of our current alliance leaders. Can you do it?"

  "Of course. How many?"

  "Roughly one hundred and sixty of them are what Andros is saying."

  "Easy. What else?"

  "That's it. Do you need any of our scouts?"

  "No, we have this. Get some sleep. I'll let you know when we've killed or captured all of them," she smiled and then paused as Jack raised his hand quickly.

  "I don' t want prisoners," he said firmly.

  "Good, easier that way," Andrea said with a laugh, and took off running while whistling shrilly.


  Ogart Brun frowned as his horse plodded along at a measured pace. They would ride all night and sleep during the day. Behind him, were forty of some of their best assassins, all riding in double file and behind the last man was a string of supply wagons filled with provisions. As they needed to keep their speed down for the wagons, it would be three to four days before they reached their various cities.

  Sometime tomorrow afternoon, they would arrive at the crossroads and split up, then as each group reached another set of crossroads, split up again and so forth. Eventually groups of four assassins would infiltrate each city they were assigned with two going after the ruler and two more taking out their Guard Commander. The plan was to hit forty of the cities on their list simultaneously. These would then be ripe pickings for Gur and Turnin to take over and subjugate.

  Initially they had broken into groups of forty each when they left Turnin in the middle of the night. They did not wish to be seen and only their best were assigned these tasks as these jobs needed to be done correctly, efficiently and fast.

  Now, he was frowning because the forest seemed almost unnaturally quiet and he was about to call a halt when the man behind him gasped in pain. Turning, his eyes bulged as he saw four arrows sticking out of the man's chest and throat and turned to the front just as he felt the piercing pain as multiple arrows hit his torso, knocking him from his horse. In a daze, he looked up, trying to move, but the arrows were not only deep, most had completely penetrated his body, through and through. With a gasp, he saw a beautiful feral looking Amazon with long red hair staring down at him with a smile upon her face.

  "Jack sends his regards and says, no prisoners," the girl said, as the long silver blade came out of nowhere and in an instant, his life's blood was spurting outward, soaking the ground around his prone position while the choked off cries of his men sounded from around him.


  Jack yawned as his foot was shaken by one of the Amazons, his eyes snapping instantly open, and looking up in the moonlight he recognized one of Andrea's people. While he did not personally know her, he did make out the exaggerated wink she gave him as she patted his upper thigh, suspiciously close to his groin. His first thought was he might have created more trouble than he imagined as the Amazon sauntered off with an exaggerated sway of her hips. His second thought was wondering how many he could handle at once. He would definitely have to build up a long tolerance.

  As he rose and donned his weapons, Griff arrived with most of their captains and when Jack finished, he waved them to the large, well-lit tent he was using as their briefing area before departure. Against one wall, a large map of the City of Gur was displayed, with even the hills and forest outlines drawn in, including the entrances and exits of every tunnel leading into and out of the city. The detail was fantastic and another gift from either Andros, or Henricus.

  "Alright, did the scouts and Amazons go out on time?" he asked gruffly and Griff nodded in the affirmative. Jack nodded in return and continued. "You all know your positions and have been studying them for days. We move out at a walk and it should take us roughly an hour and a half to near the city. By then, either the girls and our scouts will have secured the gates, or they will be dead. I would prefer the former," and there was no surprise when every man present, nodded.

  "Then g
ive your positions one last going over and everyone head out. The attack is planned for thirty minutes after we arrive. All we need to wait on is a signal from Andros or the fire arrows the scouts and Amazons have. Was there any report from the Amazons on the Assassins?" he asked, at the end.

  "I can answer that," spoke a female voice, as Andrea pushed her way to the front.

  "Well go on, damnit. We need to get moving here?" growled Jack, as he frowned at her. She simply smiled in return as she leaned forward allowing him to see the expanse of full breasts under the loose top of her jerkin.

  "We got them all of course. One hundred and sixty three of them, just as you said and twelve wagons of extra weapons and supplies. Some gold, that sort of thing," she replied.

  "And the wagon handlers?" he inquired with a raised eyebrow.

  "We killed them of course, you said no prisoners." This caused Jack to nod, as he signaled to head out.

  Almost two hours later, they had been in positions for quite some time, when Andros spoke in his ear. "Get ready for fireworks." Jack smiled grimly as he gripped the reigns of his stead tighter and drew his sword. Around him in an every expanding ripple the other men were doing the same as they saw others doing so.

  There! Blazing bright arcs lit the sky as a dozen flaming arrows lit the night with signs of a successful mission.

  "Charge!" shouted Jack, as he spurred his horse and almost sixteen thousand men thundered down upon the city along with him, as battle horns rang out.


  Gur looked up from his slumber as he heard battle horns as if from a great distance. He thought, it was simply part of the dream he was having although that did not make sense as the dream contained over a dozen naked slaves catering to his needs. He frowned for a moment and while thinking of returning to sleep he instead rose and after slipping on a robe, proceeded to his royal antechamber where he saw Jezol already waiting for him.