Defiance Page 22
"Wow, these girls sure know how to put on a feast," remarked the sergeant as he dug into his food, followed by the rest of the men.
"Actually master, I believe they consider themselves either Amazons or Ladies, it's really hard to tell with them." smiled Ivy as she stole a slice of cheese from his plate, narrowly avoiding the hand that tried to swat her for the thievery. With a giggle, she bounded away, just as Andrea came up holding a wide fern plate in each hand.
"Here you go sis, morning meal brought to you by yours truly. It's goat, but it did marinate for two full days in heavily spiced mead. It's tender and good," remarked the leader of the Amazons, as both she and Ivy squatted near the guards to consume their meals. Ivy saw there was also a small potato and bread and a hunk of cheese added. Leaning forward, she stole a piece of apple from the nearest guard's plate to complete her meal. The then saw that Andrea had given her the largest portions and quickly cut her meat in half and flipped the cut off portion onto Andrea's fern.
"You'll need your strength as you'll be training today. I'll be watching and laughing," smirked Ivy.
"Fine and thanks. Tell me Sergeant! What did you want to start with first, sword training?" she asked of the Senior Sergeant, who paused in eating to swallow his mouthful of food, while he looked at her carefully.
"Excellent question and I'll tell you, I was up half the night talking with the other sergeants and a few of the Captains about your capabilities. I think we've come up with a game plan, that will not only make you a superior fighting force but utilize what your best at," he paused, as he stuffed another mouthful of meat into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully, his eyes looking downward as he contemplated what to say next, or how to say it.
"Well, don't leave us in suspense, what did you decide?" demanded Andrea, as she popped a small buttered potato into her mouth and chewed furiously.
"Well, your upper body strength is too weak for realistic swordplay against a well trained man, so we will do it slightly differently. I realize you want to become better with the sword and we will work on that, but in pairs. Your greatest strength is in what we would call Guerrilla Combatants and Light Foot Calvary. Normally Calvery is astride a horse, but you girls can run like the wind, which is to your advantage. Let me explain because it's simple. Basically, when you work with us, we would use our Heavy Calvary to split off a segment of the enemy. Your Amazons would then move in and after shooting them full of arrows, close to sword distance and team up on them. The goal is to ensure these segments are roughly half your strength. We will train groups of two and three to attack a single man, take him down instantly and move to the next. This is the best possible way to utilize your strengths. That, along with improving your archery and spear skills. There are other skills we wish to concentrate on also."
"Such as?"
"Your silent infiltration methods are excellent so we can't improve those. Heaven knows we've caught enough of you by being a bit too greedy in sneaking in over the walls and stealing. Normally you are simply released after we've amused ourselves with you." The Sergeant laughed as did Andrea before continuing. But, we wanted our scouts, of which I am one to work with your best infiltrators on silent killing. You would make superb scouts. You can sneak into a city at night, kill nearby guards and raise the gate before an alarm is sounded. By the time that city is aware of your presence, we will be in their midst, taking them down."
"Alright, that makes sense and I am agreeable to it. However, you assume we are allies."
"I am counting on it and I expect Seth to find the time to arrive sometime today with the necessary documents to make you such. We will be teaching you quite a few skills you do not now possess. Would you not say it is to your advantage?" he inquired gently, as he simply watched her with a kind smile riding his face.
"Actually yes and we have been considering it for some time. It's never been done but who says the old ways are best?" said Andrea nonchalantly as she went back to eating her food, only to be interrupted by Ivy.
"Oh, I love it when a plan comes together," she cried out in glee and grabbing Andreas face, kissed her firmly on the mouth, a kiss that was returned. Then launched herself at the sergeant and kissed his cheek, must to his amusement.
"Hey, why didn't I get a kiss on the mouth?" he complained.
"Because my master said I could kiss her that way, but you guards only get it on the cheek. Complain to him," she snickered.
Further planning commenced, as all settled down to finish their meal and talk.
Chapter 23:
Henricus looked up from his reports screen as both Jack and Andros entered his study. Jack would be leaving shortly and although it had been a pleasure to have him as a guest, the Captain knew this Commander had quite a bit of work ahead of him on the planet's surface. He was glad that Andros was able to spend a majority of the time with the man from Paradise, but even that was coming to a close, at least for now as the Gentes waited on the unification of the planet under a single leader.
"Welcome Jack and Andros, I hope your brief stay with us was enlightening. How do you think our cultures will get along?" asked Henricus with a smile.
"I think we will continue to get along just fine," smiled Jack, as he took the seat proffered to him by the Captains outstretched arm.
"Get ready to lose about two thirds of your Army, Captain. Most of them seem to want to hit the surface to train and avail themselves of the women there," laughed Andros as he took the seat beside Jack.
"Well, something can be arranged, but not until we've eliminated the sentries, they would spot the gravity assists easily," said the Captain, and then, "you say two thirds of our military?"
"Oh yes, perhaps more, they all want to train with his troops. I'm sure you saw the ships wide feed from the training room. He basically took on our best and destroyed them. They want better training."
"Oh, I see. Well again, we must destroy the sentries first."
"When exactly will you perform this task?" asked Jack, leaning forward.
"The same day you unify the planet."
"Then I suppose I'd better get busy."
"That you should which is why you're going home shortly. Tell me, You've had a day and a half to think about it. Do you have any new questions?"
"Of course. The first is, why can't you destroy the sentries now and help us defeat the other cities across the planet's surface?"
"Simple, that would be easy, but they wouldn't be yours, they would be ours, holding no dedication to someone of your world. Tens of thousands of years ago, we once held a policy of non-intervention until we found out the Malum were harvesting their souls as soon as they suspected we were in contact with a species or at least observing them. Since then, we've taken a more direct approach. Too direct as I told you yesterday, resulting in widespread chaos and worlds in rebellion to the leaders we helped put in charge. It is up to you. We learned our lesson, as I already stated."
"Okay, once you do destroy the sentries, as you call them. How soon until these Malum arrive to wipe us out?"
"The two that developed this world were tracked to seven point four light years away, where they are currently beginning the time consuming task of creating another planet for habitation. That usually takes upwards of a few thousand to ten thousand years, our time. Once those sentries are destroyed, they are alerted after that period a signal takes to reach them. That period would be seven point four years and then another roughly seven point six years for the Malum to arrive to destroy you in person. They will know it was us, so they will come with thousands of support ships."
"Why so long?"
"Because the Malum are mostly energy and travel at a fraction under the speed of light. It simply takes them that long to travel from system to system, so roughly fifteen of your years until they arrive. We will then most likely destroy all their ships at some cost and if possible, kill both of the Malum that are sure to arrive. The Malum use travel and communications at the speed of a sing
le light. They do not have our technology and I'm not sure they would use it if they did. Next question?"
"Can we disseminate the knowledge of you and your Federation?"
"Of course, the sentries do not eavesdrop on your conversations. You are simply cattle to them and why would you listen to cattle? Letting the other nations know of us will likely benefit their overall incorporation."
"Good point. So we can expect no help then?"
"Not so. We can give you the plans to every city and strategies of their commanders and also the strategies of every nation on this planet. We have estimated it may take you upwards of two and a half years to complete the task of unification if all goes well and we are here to assist. We can also assist in superior weapons, simply not power weapons, and armor in the form of clothing, of course. You of Ashton really have a good model of a city and national plan, which works well in your favor and one that, will be well received in good light by almost all the other nations on your planet. Once most realize you are not trying to take away their sovereignty, I think they will come on board; you simply have to send quite a few emissaries out to talk to them. You will be very busy." Now Henricus smiled at him, as Jack digested this information.
"Once we do unify the planet, how many trained guard will you need?"
"Excellent question and one we've computed. Approximately ten thousand per planet and that total would be one point three three million of well-trained guard. Is that a problem?"
"No, not even slightly and I'm surprised it's that low. I'm going to hazard a guess and say that would be roughly six percent of our current planet wide guard number if ratios are the same across each continent," replied Jack, while deep in thought.
"Seven point two percent to be exact and yes, you are almost correct."
"And if we doubled the number going to each planet?"
"Excellent question and one we've thought of as we've done our own calculations based on average guard strength and your overall numbers. When our quantum computers were tasked with that challenge, they came up with a surprising answer. By doubling your contribution per planet, the computers state pacification within one third the time and far fewer casualties on both sides."
"That's about what I figured also, so let's plan on a doubling if not a tripling. I would also plan on a majority of your special higher trained forces desiring to be stationed here for additional training once Paradise is unified. Don't worry, we won't charge you much," laughed Jack, and both Henricus and Andros laughed with him. Jack now turned serious as he asked another question before either man could speak.
"What about these longevity treatments you Gentes currently use. I have been talking to people and understand you live to roughly eight hundred to a thousand years. We only live a maximum of four hundred and fifty. Will we get that?"
"The gene therapy treatments? Of course! However, bear in mind, that we modify at birth, so since you are roughly one quarter your normal lifespan already, you may only live to possibly seven hundred and older people less, younger more. That is subject to change, as technology advances. You will also receive strength enhancers in the gene therapy. This will increase your strength by approximately five to ten percent."
"Good news, now what exactly are the sentries of the Malum and how would they destroy us?"
"Simply, they use a shaped charge at equal distances in orbit around your planet. If they detect our signature during their monitoring, Or, detect our involvement in any other way, they will automatically explode. This will cause roughly three hundred charges of energy to your planet that travel to its core, resulting in total annihilation. This calculation on the sentry's part will be performed and executed in a fraction of a second. We only have one chance at neutralizing them because if even five percent survive, that's more than enough to explode the core of your world. The Malum understand and account for the time delay in their notification of events, so they program accordingly. You would consider these Sentry's somewhat sentient."
"Well, we don't want that. Okay, how many new uniforms can we get within a month? I know the majority of my world will want this alliance sooner versus later."
"We can have you fifteen thousand sets initially, as long as you agree on the design. Here, look at these samples my people picked out. All of the officer's uniforms are the same, simply the shoulder ranking is changed." A picture of a fancy red uniform appeared with tasseled shoulder epaulettes and gold strips on a sash type tabard. Jack blinked and spoke quickly.
"Absolutely NOT! The rank needs to be on the collar so that we can turn it down in battle, this way we are not singled out by enemy archers. Did your designers look at our current uniforms? That outfit looks like something for a parade."
"Well, I'm not sure, I'm sure they looked,, I have no idea. Let me show you the enlisted officers uniforms, they may suit you better." Quickly, Henricus changed the picture and a new uniform appeared. Similar, yet better. Leather jerkin and pants, the jerkin with almost elbow length sleeves. All dyed in red with a red shirt to accompany it. It had no collar at all and instead lay flat upon the shoulders and neckline, while the rank, that of an Ashton sergeant, lay in three gleaming chevrons upon the left breast. Jack sighed.
"Okay, just stop. Use this design; add a collar exactly like the outfit in which I arrived. High collar that covers the neck on the sides and back. Ranks to be on the outside on the left side. make the collar very supple so we can turn it down to hide rank. The troops will know their sergeants and commanders and captains and lieutenants, trust me. You don't need to make it obvious for the enemy. It's equally obvious you guys seriously need our input. Do your own men go into battle dressed in this crap?"
"I told you," laughed Andros as he smiled at his Captain.
"Okay, alright, I guess they were simply trying to impress you," sputtered Henricus, face red and switching to another Picture. This one of a uniformly red jerkin yet brown shirt. "This is for the regular enlisted lower ranks. Jack sighed again.
"I have a question. Why on Paradise, do you insist on identifying leaders in an attack? do your own military use such?"
"Well yes, mostly."
"How often are the leaders killed?"
"Often the first when identified," muttered Andros, and then turned away at a scowl from Henricus.
"No wonder you guys need help. Alright, use the second uniform, it's good, but add the changes I made, especially the collar. We'll use that for all the ranks. As I said, we'll pin the ranks on the collar so that turned down, it makes us all looks the same. We'll call it good, but I want that blade and arrow protection for our men. How soon can we have them? Remember, copy the collar on my arriving outfit exactly. It even has my rank on it."
"Well, maybe a week. We'll do a stealth dump in the middle of your training yard. Up to you to distribute them."
"Fair enough, now I need to go home. How soon can I leave?"
"I suppose now, although it would be wonderful if you could stay another day. Let me see if I can have a prototype of the uniform made for you here in a moment."
"Bring me back up in a month, in the meantime, I have a planet to conquer. I bet I can shave a half year at least off your estimate," grinned Jack, as he rose.
My Master!" squealed Ivy, as she launched herself into the air once he descended his horse, wrapping her arms and legs around him tightly. She smothered his neck and face with kisses to the laughs all around him. That she loved her master was an obvious understatement.
"Hey hey, slow down, I have stuff I need to do. You'll have to wait your turn, little Ivy," Jack chuckled, as he pried her off him, but only after giving her a thorough kiss and squeeze on the ass, of course. "I missed your sexy ass."
"Missed you too, my master. Let's go home and crawl in bed!"
"No! I told you. I have things to do, but you can accompany myself and Griff, we need to meet with the potentate, the council, the ambassadors and the guard." Meekly, she backed off and simply kneeled behind him
, when Jack began talking to Griff.
"Ready to go see the Potentate?"
"Of course. Let's get this done and start planning against Turnin. Did you get the layout and tunnel entrances mapped?"
"Yes I did. I have a complete set of plans for that bitch."
"Then let's go."
Together the two men walked side by side, with Ivy and two squads of guard trailing behind. They were proceeding to the castle, where they would speak with the Potentate, council and then the Ambassadors of their current alliance. Jack preferred to walk, as it gave him time to think and form his thoughts. He wanted to attack Turnin soonest, as in right now before their spies got wind of the Alliance plans. He knew they would be infiltrated, if they were not already. In fact, Jack had assigned a new job to the Gentes. Spying on his own people and that of those in their alliance. This was a task that Andros immediately assigned to one of their quantum computers, as he called them. They would release more miniature drones and find out who was reporting to whom. Evidently, there was no practical limit on how many they could field and control.
Jack had been deposited that early afternoon by drone into a small wooded glade just outside Ashton's gates. There he was met by Griff and a company of his men who had ridden hard since before daybreak to meet him in time. The city of Barshu was now left in the charge of the Raizor and Bristol as Stonehall was needed elsewhere. They were good men, and were shaping up the city guard to the current alliance standards. Evidently, their queen was quite lax in their training, but no more. They were also quite dedicated to their new temporary rulers and welcomed the chance to vote as a people on someone to their liking. Already names were being floated about as possible candidates. Both Jack and Griff had stressed to the other Commanders to use a light hand and not a heavy one. The highborn would be enslaved, as stated, but the general populous not. The treasury was confiscated. Several million gold crowns was that total and was currently being shipped under extremely heavy guard to Ashton. A guard numbering almost a thousand men, with a swarm of tiny drones monitoring the vicinity of their travel for brigands. Overall, Jack was quite pleased with the aftermath of his operation.