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Page 20

  "You are Amazons. You are proud and strong, used to having your way, preying on small caravans with an overwhelming force. I get it, but you can be so much greater. Let the Ashton guard train you and become part of our family. What say you?" Ivy's voice was ringing at the end of her short speech and a resounding "Aye" thundered through the air.

  "Girl, trainings is over, I need more mead, fetch me some and it's time to party," demanded Conrad, as he upended his empty cup, causing Ivy to laugh and snatch it out of the air before it hit the ground then kissed his cheek again. "Thank you," she whispered, as she scampered off to clean and refill its contents.


  "Jack! I cannot believe you treated the council as if they were second-class citizens. They will surely decide against your people now and we will be forced to depart and leave you to the mercies of the Malum."

  "Oh, no they won't," remarked Jack,- as they walked through the ship, seeing marvel after marvel, almost all of which he did not understand.

  "How can you say that? They were quite upset," sputtered Henricus.

  "How many people call this ship, home?" he asked Henricus.

  "Roughly sixteen thousand, why does that matter?"

  "Because with so many men and women under your command, you still don't understand people very well, Captain."

  "I think Jack is correct. I think only a few were upset and the rest, contemplative," remarked Andros.

  "About right Andros and if I'm not mistaken, you will hear from them shortly. Do you wonder why I kept moving in the chamber?"

  "Well, I never gave it much thought, I assumed because you also were angry or wished to make a point."

  "Nope, that blurring thing they have going on? If you move from side to side, it clears slightly. You have to constantly refocus your vision but it works well enough. Almost all were both intrigued and considering and only two that I saw, angry. I predict they will come around and very shortly." Now Jack was grinning at Hendricks's stupefied expression and to augment Jack's words, an object on the Captains belt, beeped. Instantly, Henricus answered it and after a short conversation turned to the others with a scowl on his face.

  "The council has agreed to all your stipulations. They will not interfere in your development, or what some consider human rights violations and we will defend your planet at all cost. I was also informed that my tour of duty has been extended another five years, damnit. I miss my kids and wife. How did you know? How did you do it?"

  "It was easy, they are weak. Any strong individual can bring them to task and lay down whatever law he wishes as long as he presents a logical argument, the fact they allowed a third of your planets to engage in civil war was telling and I knew then that I had them in the palm of my hand. They need a solution to their short-term problems and are putting the larger headache of our slaves off as far in the future as they can. I'm okay with that. By then, who knows, perhaps the practice will be greatly reduced. We shall see," said Jack, as he clapped the other on the shoulder and then leaned close to whisper loudly. "I'll have a couple girls sent up to keep you busy."

  "No no," whispered Henricus back, "I cannot do that to my wife. God she would kill me when she found out."

  "No, but I can. I heard the Prometheus is about to be launched soon. Let it take your place here and put me in charge. I am due for a command anyways. Run it by the council now, while they are in a good mood. Do it Henricus," demanded Andros, as he squared off against his commander. "You know that I am experienced, qualified and can work with Jack and I'll need Caitlin assigned to my crew." He smiled at her and waited on the Captain.

  "Oh all right. Hold on. Go on without me, this may take some time," the Captain remarked, as he turned around and headed back to the conference and communications room.

  "Andros, I need to find where I'm staying and hopefully it will afford some privacy. I need a couple hours," said Jack as he gripped Caitlin tightly to his side. She molded against him, even though her face was bright red.

  "Well, I thought we would have lunch first and then I would give you more of a tour and then show you your suite," replied the other man as he looked at the two of them, then his expression changed as he realized what was going on. "Ahh, sure, follow me or actually Caitlin can show you, I've already uploaded it into the ships main computer that she can access through her wrist communicator." Now Andros looked embarrassed as he scurried off. Jack laughed and commanded Caitlin, "Lead on,"

  "Gladly," she replied, as she grabbed his hand and took off at a fast walk.

  "Are most Gentes women as sexual as you, Caitlin?" Jack asked as they moved from one corridor to yet another as they worked their way into the interior of the ship.

  "Yes, most of us are. We don't view sex as a stigma, but instead, as a means of pleasurable recreation. Unless you're married that is, like the Captain, then others are off limits, but I am not married."

  "I'm liking your culture better, all the time."


  Chapter 21:

  Ivy settled down in the furs and relaxed for the first time that day. It had been full and satisfying, although the evening meal had not been completely pleasant. It seemed that the Amazons had a tradition of making toasts to a new leader, or even co-leader...with whisky! And the amount she had consumed left her dizzy, head swimming and her limbs unable to respond. It was all she could do to crawl into Andrea's tent, the shelter she had been assigned for tonight and barely enough strength to pull the covers up over herself. She knew she would have a terrible hangover in the morning, but did not regret the day's activities. Before she left the campfire, she saw that Conrad and the two other men pairing up with other women of the tribe and she was satisfied. As she was drifting off, the tent flap opened, causing her to go instantly on her guard, if a bit blurrily.

  "Who's there?" she asked in a shaky voice.

  "It's me Andrea. I had nowhere else to sleep unless by the fire, so I thought we could share the furs unless you object?"

  "No, that's fine," murmured Ivy, as she turned her head at the sounds of the other, obviously undressing and removing her garments. Currently Ivy was dressed in all her new clothing, being too tired to remove anything when she pulled the furs over herself. Andrea slithered into the bedding beside her and wrapped an arm around her, then rose in obvious shock.

  "What is this? You're still dressed? How can you sleep like that. Oh, no, no leader sleeps fully dressed and you can't feel the softness of the furs that way. Here let me help you. If you would be a co-leader, you have to act like one," commanded the other woman as she started to undress Ivy rapidly. In no time, she was as naked as Andrea and keeping still, as she did not know exactly what was going on. An arm circled around her, a head covered in soft hair laid on her shoulder and then she felt a breath blow across her bare torso.

  "Ah Andrea, what are you doing?" she inquired as her body began to tense up.

  "Just relaxing, so relax."

  "Isn't this a bit intimate?"

  "Not for Amazons. Normally I snuggle with my son and daughter, or with one of my girlfriends, but my kids are with friends kids tonight and my girlfriend is with Josen I think. Amazons rarely sleep alone," she finished as her right hand, draped over Ivy's chest dipped lower as her breath came again, sweeping across her body. That hand of Andrea's was now over Ivy's full breast, although it was not moving, simply resting there. When Ivy felt lips and a soft tongue on the side of her neck where Andrea's head rested, she began to be worried.

  "Andrea, I'm drunk, but what are you doing?"

  "Just snuggling. Relax."

  "You snuggle with your children this way?"

  "Of course not, but with my girlfriends, yes. Besides, I talked to Conrad and he said it was ok and that you had had a previous experience in the slave's bathhouse. He said Jack wouldn't mind."

  "Uhm, I'm pretty drunk, what exactly did you intend? I'm not up to much." Ivy was searching for a way out of this situation. Not that she did not find Andrea attractive, far from it. She was
simply drunk off her ass and wanted to sleep.

  "Shh, go to sleep," replied Andrea, as her right hand moved downward, lightly trailing down Ivy's chest, across her belly to gently stroke her clit, before moving upward again. This time the fingers slide to Ivy's left and caressed her full breast, then gently tweaked the hardening nipple. The same action was repeated to the right breast and nipple, before the hand moved downward again, to stroke her clit and the petals of her pussy. All the while this was happening a warm, soft mouth and tongue kissed and nibbled its way across Ivy's throat, jaw and upper right shoulder.

  Ivy's eyes snapped open, she found her back arching, and involuntarily moaning at the soft caresses and wet kisses Andrea was bestowing upon her. All thoughts of sleep had now fled and she turned her head eagerly to face the other girl when she felt Andrea's lips traveling up her jaw to her mouth. Soft lips met, parted and tongues swirled together in an orgy of mutual pleasure as Andrea climbed on top of Ivy without breaking their kiss, their hard nipples rubbing together, then breasts compressing, as Andrea put more weight on the smaller girl, holding her in place beneath her.

  "You can't escape now," murmured Andrea against Ivy's open mouth, she herself panting in need, as the fingers of both hands caressed Ivy's sides.

  "Well I could, but I don't want too," whispered Ivy back, as she sought Andrea's mouth again. The kiss seemed to last an eternity and then was broken as Andrea began kissing her way down Ivy's face, then neck and continued onward over her chest.

  "Oh, nice," murmured Ivy as Andrea peppered both of her breasts with soft warm and wet kisses, then swirled her tongue around first the left rock hard nipple and then the right. "oh ohhh," gasped Ivy as panted, her body caught up in the feelings of exquisite sensations but it didn't stop there.

  Every so slowly, the Amazon teased the slave as her mouth and tongue continued their downward journey, savoring first her rib cage, then her belly until Ivy could feel Andrea's hot breath upon her sex. This felt too good and was something her master had not performed yet. She had seen it, witnessed it, but never experienced it. This, she thought to herself as she felt the mouth descend again and a soft, wet tongue slither over her tiny clit, felt like a serpents kiss.

  "Oh, you are evil," she breathed, as she clutched Andreas head by the hair on each side.

  "I'm just getting started," came the answer and with a squeal, Ivy cried out as the Amazon bit down gently, but firmly on her clit, tugging it outward.

  "Oh my God!" she wailed as her body began to shake, her orgasm building and then washing through her like surf on the beach. She could not help herself, she simply began to shake in place, experiencing intense pleasure as Andrea held her in place. Slowly the Amazon sucked on her mons, then each lip of her pussy as she expertly prolonged the orgasm while Ivy spasmed yet again under her. Finally, Ivy lay gasping for breath under the dominating woman above her and remarked.

  "I could get used to this."

  "Talk to your master. I'm positive it can be arranged. After all, we need to keep our leader happy."


  "Whatever you say," said Andrea, as her head descended yet again and Ivy fell into sheer bliss. Howling with pleasure, she wrapped her legs across Andrea's back and simply enjoyed herself as the others tongue probed deeper.


  "Sir, I have the Federation document prepared, per your instructions and as directed, I incorporated all of the Commanders thoughts. Now is the time for you to make any necessary changes." Seth, the Chief Administrator of Ashton handed Carthius a multiple page document and sat down across from the writing desk while his Potentate perused it.

  "Seth, I don't have time to read all this, I'm writing poetry, sum it up for me, please," argued Carthius, as he lifted his golden mug of fruit juice and eyeballed his Admnistrator.

  "Well basically, it follows the alliance rules with some minor changes. Each member agrees to provide no less than twenty percent of their guard to any joint military operation and that a new leader is elected each decade by council vote, which we are going to call delegates. Each member city gets a single vote and the winner takes all."

  "That's it?"

  "Pretty much."

  "Then why is this..." Carthius paused as he counted the pages of fine print and looked up at Seth with a scowl. "Seventeen pages?"

  "Well, there is a bit more." Seth paused until his Potentate made a 'come hither' gesture and sighing, continued. "Well, it sets up basic rights for members, both rulers and any guard assigned to an action, as I said, basic alliance stuff. It also addressed a greater Federation with our unseen allies. It also addresses the institution of a Warlord, that is nominated by the popular vote each cities commanders and not delegates or rulers and that this Warlord rules for a minimum of five years, but can be re-elected. That sorta thing. That takes eleven pages, Sir. Add to that logistics and who pays for what and how it is transported during any joint action and you have another six pages. Well, it also states that any new science is shared equally with every single city, etcetera. This removes any misgivings the smaller cities may have."

  "Alright, that's more like it and since the other Ambassadors verbally agreed, Jack is the Warlord for the next five years, correct?"

  "Yes actually, there is a provision that verbal affirmation is binding and they did all affirm. Any new cities we take and incorporate will not be allowed to vote until after each time limit is up."

  "Good enough for me, hold on," said Carthius, as he inked his quill and scribbled his name on the last page where eleven names were written in, but there were spaces for dozens of others. Seth looked shocked.

  "Wait! You don't want to read it? You should!"

  "No, I trust you, as I do Jack and my other administrators. We have a good team here and I don't second guess my people, or micro-manage." Carthius was firm in his statement and simply stared at Seth until the other nodded slowly while smiling.

  "You honor me, Potentate."

  "It is you and the others that honor me Seth and make my rule worthwhile," intoned Carthius, as he went back to his poem. Seth took the hint, grabbed up the signed document and excused himself to visit the first of many ambassadors. He would also have to get the scribes busy transcribing copies, many many copies.


  Jack looked up into Caitlin's exhausted, yet smiling face and smiled himself at her pleased expression. He was also pleased. She was almost as energetic as Ivy and definitely an orgasm machine of note. Initially he had removed the armbands and boots, but the fourth time he hit the ceiling thrusting upward, he put them back on. Light gravity was a bitch.

  Currently his cock resided in this female crouched over him and she was squirming as in trying to get it to fit better maybe, or deeper, but he had already stretched her out thoroughly. She simply liked the feel. Like Ivy, she was a hot one. She screamed quite a bit also, which pleased him.

  "So, how long has been? I told Andros I would meet him in two hours." Jack remarked, as he flipped her over and slowly pulled his half hard cock from her tight little cunt.

  "About three hours actually," Caitlin said, as she glanced at the glowing numerals on a nearby wall.

  "Well damn, but it's okay. I needed that."

  "So did I," she breathed softly, as she pulled him down again for a hot, wet kiss and asked huskily, "Do you mind if I stay here and catch a nap? I'm mostly too tired to stand. You wore me out, Sir. All you need to do is turn left out of the door, then left again, then right and follow it until you see the conference room. I'm sure he's in there."

  "Nah, you go ahead, I'll tap that thing later after my tour, stay and get something to eat. You'll need your energy. But you could tell me where the bathhouse is on this vessel of yours."

  "Why all our rooms have their own shower. It sprays water down on you and it's right through that door there," she pointed. Inside you will find a glass stall, go inside, close the door and on the far wall, you will find a black button with a small up and down sliding knob next to
it. Push the button and then adjust the temperature by sliding the knob up for warmer and down for colder. The first time you press the black button, soapy water will come out and a small compartment will open with a wash rag inside. Use that to lather up your body and hair, then push the black button again for clean water with no soap, finally press it a third time to stop the flow of water. Then, on the other side of the slide, is a small yellow button, Press that and warm air will come out and dry you quickly. Press it again to stop the air."

  "Well that sounds easy enough," he remarked as he got up and headed in that direction.

  "It is," she called out and was right. Fifteen minutes later his 'shower' as they called it, was complete, he was dry and dressed. He wished he had thought to bring more clothing with him, but would make do with what he had. Remembering her directions to the conference room, he touched the doorplate for open and was surprised to see Andros, leaning up against the opposite wall and looking slightly impatient, although he did smile brightly once he saw Jack.

  "Jack, great that you're ready. That was a bit more than two hours though."

  "Well Andros, I got a bit carried away, that Caitlin is a little hell cat," grinned Jack, as he slapped the man on the shoulder.

  "So I've been told, now come and I'll show you our weapons systems first. I think you'll like them. Jack nodded happily and the two men walked down the corridor together.

  "Oh, I hate to ask, but is there any way you can send one of your drone ships back to my quarters on Paradise? I could really use a fresh change of clothes."

  "I forgot to tell you. We took your measurements while you were in the drone and I ordered a half dozen outfits for you in the current style of your senior warrior class. I'll have more made later and drop them off at your place and also some for your senior officers and sergeants. The leather of the tunics and pants are proof against most blades and arrows. I'm sure you'll like them.