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Page 17

  "Well, since I have no respect for you, bitch. I've decided to call you whore, or would you prefer Andrea the whore?" Ivy said in a sweet voice, as she gave her best smile and continued to circle, never stopping movement for an instant.

  "Foolish petal, I would gut you like a fish if not for Conrad's words and the arrows of his men. I do value my life after all. Yours? I don't value at all."

  "Well a few things, do you mind if we chat while I kick your ass?" spoke Ivy pleasantly. The kick came out of nowhere, but Ivy was prepared as the foot swung towards her in a roundhouse kick. However, she was not where the blow attempted to land. She was actually under it and punched upward with her right hand, hitting the calf muscle sideways. Knowing it hurt like hell, as she had put her full strength into it.

  "Ahhh, You have skills," muttered the Amazon, as she favored her right leg for a moment before regaining her equilibrium.

  "Better than yours. You see, I wasn't always a slave and I'm not Conrad's, I am Jack the Commander's. His first ever! I simply saved Conrad's life during the last battle and he trusts me. Where was your band of cowards during that? You do realize you rely upon Ashton for sustenance and needed supplies. Why didn't you assist us? It would have been to your benefit to do so? Where would you have gone if we were overrun?"

  "Jack's slave? Well, that explains a few things. He's trained you, I see."

  "You are such a tiny insignificant whore. Of course, he did not train me. He caught me stealing, and then abused me. A few days later, I tried to hurt him and he used my ass. Maybe you need your ass used...child! The fact is that I grew up fighting daily and then upon entering the cities, I had to fight more, again daily, or I would have been raped and collared. You are insignificant."

  The next attack was a punch to the face, as anger shown in Andrea's expression, but that was a feint. The real blow was down low and a killing stroke if Ivy were to judge and aimed at her belly. Ivy batted the knife away with her own as her head tilted sideways to avoid the blow from the feint. Just another day at her old home with her stepfather. He had been unable to hit her since she was twelve. She was simply too quick. Ivy took advantage of the move on Andrea's part to lick her cheek as the Amazon moved close, then stepped back and grinned as her own right cross came out of nowhere, impacting Andrea's cheek and knocking her backward.

  "Damn you. How did you become so quick? You would make a great Amazon." panted Andrea, as she squared off against Ivy again, and Ivy kept circling. To the side, she saw the men were exchanging money and making bets with the other Amazons, but she ignored it. She was focused.

  "You did not answer my question? Why did you not help in the raid? Two good men died and I personally saved six others, while you were off fucking your current boy toy."

  "Because it's was not our fight. That was between you and Turnin."

  Ivy fainted with a downward slash of her knife and simultaneously, her right foot lashed out, hitting Andrea again in the same calf. Now the Amazon had a noticeable limp and the older, taller and heavier girl began to look worried.

  "Shit, you're quick, but we do what we do, we don't help any city."

  "Your very survival depends on Ashton. You should be on our side and be our scouts. I'm sure you saw them coming before we did. I'll tell you what, I'll spare your life if you agree to help and engage your sister tribes to the control of my master." Ivy now smiled as she moved in then spoke in mid stride. If I am the victor, technically I take over the tribe. You are lucky in that I am owned and happily so."

  "You stupid cunt, you cannot rewrite the rules of this battle."

  "Well, I have a cunt, but I think you're wearing a tiny cock under that skirt. Show me so I can see for myself," taunted Ivy, as she prepared for the attack she knew would come and quickly. Andrea double feinted, a blow with the knife, followed up by one with her left foot all while her right hand was reaching for Ivy's neck. A move that was not about to happen as Ivy punched her bicep again, numbing the appendage and forcing her to drop the knife she had been holding, the other two blow she simply avoided by stepping backward a half step.

  "You will not..." Andrea started to say, but Ivy had already flipped onto her hands. Her legs scissoring around Andrea's neck as she flipped forcing the larger woman sideways onto the ground and in a smooth motion was sitting on her thighs. Ivy then began striking Andrea a half dozen times in the stomach before placing her blade to the Amazon's neck then leaned in close and licked Andrea's cheek again.

  "You suck as a fighter. You are the best your tribe has? Pity" Ivy removed the knife, began to cut all the lacings, and quickly had Andrea naked underneath her crouched form. "You actually really suck."

  "You bested me." Andrea sighed, looked to the right, then left and then fastened her eyes upon Ivy. "By rights, you now control the tribe. You do not even need to spare my life, because you still have control. What is your wish?" The words were ground out and Ivy smiled in satisfaction as she stood and then offered her hand to Andrea, who accepted it and stood quickly, beside her.

  "First of all, I cannot swear to your tribe. I am owned, a slave, and as such cannot own any title or property. But, we need a different system here. You Amazons could have given us a heads up a few nights past. That would have made all the difference. I understand your sovereignty, but that is over as of now. Do you understand, Andrea?"

  "Yes, and I will obey our new chief, or co-chief. Even though you are a slave, you bested me and the others will follow your lead. I only beg that you train us to fight as you do. We believe in strength. You have it."

  "Okie dokie. Question. How many of you are there?

  "Well that is a tough question. Maybe seven hundred in total with just over three hundred being warriors. The rest are slaves, hunters and gatherers, farmers, or our children and older family members."

  "What about other tribes, as in warrior count?"

  "All combined, maybe sixty thousand, with twenty five thousand warriors. That is just a very rough guess as we do not keep records that detailed. I am simply going of reports and hearsay."

  "Hmmm. Conrad. Might we put them to use?" Ivy spared a glace to Conrad and it was a glance Andrea attempted to take advantage. Her left fist lashed out with no warning, but Ivy was prepared and simply hit her with her own left fist in the bicep a third time, paralyzing the arm once again, as her body shifted to the side letting the punch slide by her shoulder.

  "Seriously?" she asked of Andrea.

  "Well, I had to try," grinned Andrea, then wrapped her other arm around Ivy's shoulders and said. "Let me introduce you to your new sisters."

  "You really suck and I seriously need to train you, or actually the Ashton guard does."

  "Well talk about that later. Ivy, meet Kittie, Bru, and Cough. They are usually my companions. Any of you girls wish to test your new leader?" She asked the others and all four shook their heads emphatically in the negative. She turned to Ivy as they stood before the girls and asked quietly. "Why are you a slave?"

  "Because I met the strongest and most loving man in the world." Ivy said with a smile.

  "Jack, seriously?"


  "Ahh. well okay, but see if Conrad will let you come back to the tribe for the night. I need to introduce your sisters to you and they need to learn respect. We are yours to command."

  "Have to check on that. Be right back."

  Ivy slowly walked back to Conrad, where he stood with an amused expression on his face and regarded her. She had not even worked up a sweat from that exercise in futility on the Amazon's part. This fact was obviously not unknown to Conrad as he regarded her. As she watched him, waiting on his first words, she shuddered, hoping he would not censor her.

  "Ivy, I trusted you and that trust was well placed, but it bears noting that I did say they sucked. However, I have a question? What do you think you are doing?"

  "Creating allies for my master and the city. If these Amazons had been on watch instead of our near scouts, we would have had plenty of warni
ng. I recommend cultivating them and their assistance."

  "It has never been done."


  Ahhh." Conrad thought for a moment and then responded. "No idea, it simply hasn't."

  "Maybe now it should."

  "Ahh okay."

  "I wish permission to spend the night with them, master. Will you grant me permission?"

  "You do realize that Jack will damage me if you are harmed."

  "Sure, but I'll be fine," smiled Ivy, as she again kissed his cheek tenderly.

  "Oh all right. Go for it, but take this. It will allow you to communicate with your master and actually you had better ask him." Conrad quickly shoved something into her ear and instantly she heard chatter from others. A few of the voices she recognized as her commander and other from allies. She had no idea what this marvel was, only that it worked and she could hear the voices of people not near them.

  "Just speak, and he will hear you, but remember if it appears not to be working, simply push on it and it will work again. Push on the end," whispered Conrad into her opposite ear, then added. "Tell him I need another earpiece."

  "Southwest corridor secured."

  "Northeast, same."

  "Everything's locked up tight, Commander." Griff's voice, was the first she recognized and she sighed in relief.

  "My Master?" Ivy tentatively asked. "Can you hear me?"

  "Ivy! What are you doing with an earpiece, although it is great to hear from you, are you okay?" The strong strident tones of her master came through loud and clear.

  "Oh yes, my master. Conrad says he needs another earpiece, whatever that is, but I think it's this thingy in my ear and I have his."

  "Done. What else?" Jack laughed.

  "I would like permission to spend the night with our local tribe of Amazons. Is that alright, my master?" Ivy held her breath as she waited for his response, she feared the worst but instead of denying the request outright, he asked a question.

  "Why?" Jack sounded simultaneously confused and worried.

  "Well, it seems I've taken over their tribe, for Ashton." She then blurted out the entire story. Getting angry at Andrea's condescension of Conrad, her unfair trade deal and then her tribes lack of helping against the Turnin's, even though their welfare was at stake. Finally, she admitted to defeating Andrea in armed combat, but was quick to tell her master that Conrad gave her permission to wield weapons.

  By this time, Ivy had lost count of the new voices coming into her ear that were laughing with amusement, shouting encouragements and praising her. She was so confused on exactly what had happened and admitted that. She was simply mad as this stupid female. Finally, her master who was laughing uncontrollably up until a moment before, spoke.

  "My little Ivy. What a gem you are. So you beat Andrea? Was it fun?" chortled Jack.

  "Well, not sure about fun, my master, but she did turn her tribe over to me. Said I earned it. I thought they would make excellent scouts for us, which is why I wanted to spend the night with them, get to know my new sisters and not only start their training so they can actually fight decently, but with Conrad's and the other guards help, set up scouting. I think it might be a good idea to try to make friends with the other tribes. Andrea tells me there are over twenty five thousand warriors amongst them. Surely that is a good number."

  "Yes, that is a good number and yes you have my permission to spend the night with them as long as Conrad is with you. Now let me talk to Conrad and I love you, my tough little Ivy."

  "Yes my master and I love you too," she breathed, as she pulled the object from her ear and noticed it was slender, short and appeared to be translucent. Conrad snatched it out of her hands and immediately said, "Here sir." then "Yes, yes, yes sir, of course, alright. yes sir. have fun sir."

  "I'm to come with you for the night, Ivy," said Conrad, as he finally paid attention to her. "Your master says not to get too carried away or he'll whip you when he returns which should be in two days or so. In the meantime, I hope they have decent food to eat."

  "We have the best and will roast a hog tonight in celebration of a new leader, or co-leader as the case may be. In our presence Ivy, you will not kneel. Is this acceptable Conrad?"

  "Sure whatever," the older man grumbled as they followed the Amazons after Conrad gave instructions to his men to put the supplies together and have them delivered to the tribe. Two of the men followed and kept guard as the others towed the fur cart back to Ashton and arranged the shipment of goods, which all but the jerky was agreed too.


  Chapter 18:

  Captain Henricus Ketchum stood before the dais and waited as the tachyon connection was made to his home world Earth, and the council that demanded his report. He seriously hated these daily reports and wondered if the exalted council had anything better to do that harass a starship Captain, one of thousands out there, safeguarding words and patrolling their borders.

  "Stand by to receive councilor transmission, Sir," spoke a nearby ensign, who was operating a communications console.

  "Aye, get on with it already, I'm busy."

  "Yes Sir, one moment. Connection made."

  Slowly, the holographic representations of the council members materialized before him in the communications chamber. To call it a chamber was a bit of a misnomer as it was quite large in size, being fully fifty feet wide in every direction. Henricus immediately went on the offensive.

  "My report from yesterday has already been submitted and since this day is not yet complete, I cannot give that too you. Why did you call this official meeting? I have followed all protocols." He stood stiffly at attention and glared at the fifteen people he faced. This was such a waste of time he thought, as he watched them look at each other, then at him and wished by all the Gods that they would get on with it. He was now thoroughly convinced that they did indeed have way too much free time on their hands.

  "At ease Captain. This is not about you, this is about Paradise and your chosen champion."

  "Commander Jack of Ashton? What about him? I will remind you that no less than four cybernetic primary computing systems also indicated he was the best hope for planet unification."

  "We do not dispute that Henricus," said another figure. All their images were blurred, so Jack did not exactly know whom he was talking too. The council did this deliberately, because they came up for recognition vote at the end of each year and did not want people knowing who made the mistakes of the previous council and who did not.

  "Then what is the problem? These are heavy worlders. They are ideal shock troops and with them, we can even take back planets under the firm control of the Malum. You know this. So what is this really about?"

  "We understand they enslave their humans. That is what it's about. They must stop this practice and now."

  "Now, you've read my reports and you know this won't happen. We of the Federation incarcerate our criminals for life in many cases. On Paradise, they are simply made slaves with the same result. There is no difference, other than on Paradise, slaves are forced to work for their upkeep, whereas in our prisons, criminals are allowed to watch video and have leisure activities planned for them. Is our method better? Or, is theirs?"

  "We also have planets in our Federation that are in open rebellion. Not to us, but to their own countrymen and women. They are a savage lot that do not obey our laws already and they are fine with murdering millions of their people each year? Yet, Paradise has all the qualities of a great civilized civilization, yet they keep slaves and because of this they are not? Are you seriously presenting this argument to me?" Henricus was mad. Mad at stupidity and a council that only wanted what they wanted on their terms and rarely got it. What he said about a third of their current worlds was exactly true. Lawless regimes that required policing, but no manpower for it. Paradise could solve that with ease.

  "Those are all different situations, Captain Ketchum," spoke another amorphous voice.

  "No, it is you who do not seem to understand b
asic math and Federation relationships. I will use one example and one only, but I could easily provide over a hundred and you know it. Take Duran. They killed over fifteen million of their people last year alone. The inhabitants of Paradise are nowhere near that level of savagery. You know it, I know it, so what do you really want?"

  "Well, what you say does have merit. I suppose you could say we wish to meet this champion of yours. We want him to convince us that he belongs in our Federation."

  "Councilors, those of Paradise do not want to be in the Federation. They simply do not want to be harvested in a millennia. To them, we are the lesser of two evils. They have a vibrant, thriving society of advanced learning and culture, all on their own. It will be you that needs to convince them on their need."

  "Regardless, we would like to speak with him."

  "Alright, but I make no guarantees. He is currently in the middle of conquering a planet you know."

  "We understand and will be here for the next six hours. Try to make it happen."

  Henricus did not bother responding, as he signaled for the connection to be cut. He had a call to make.


  Jack frowned as Griff walked up to him. The other was grinning and trying hard not to laugh. He had just got off the 'tachyon communicator' as the Gentes called it, speaking with his Ivy and was both perplexed and amazed at events back home.

  "Sir, seems your girl may be doing a better job than you at increasing the numbers in the alliance." Griff was now chortling and his laughter was infectious. Soon, Jack found himself laughing also, yet remarked.

  "She is a gem, that's for sure." Jack grinned at Griff's words while they stood outside, viewing the first of several slave chains leaving the city. This particular one was bound for Ashton, but Jack had divided all the slaves up equally to the eleven cities that participated in the fall of Barshu.

  Heh, well let Conrad and I know if you ever decide to get rid of her. We'll take her off your hands for cheap," laughed Griff, as he slapped Jacks shoulder and walked away while his Commander was simply grumbling in surprise and mild irritation.